• African Online Dating Scams

    How to Spot African Online Dating Scams

    Online dating can be a thrilling experience that connects you with interesting people and helps you go on many memorable dates. But, like many things, there’s a flipside. Dating sites can also be a dark place filled with bots and scammers, out to get valuable information from you or play on your emotions, so it is necessary to learn how to protect yourself from being taken advantage of while you’re looking for love. African online dating scams are everywhere, so knowing what they look like can help you immensely. At Truly African, we are continually providing increased security measures to get rid of scammers. Still, this article would help you…

  • african dating sites

    African Dating Sites: How to Find Matches

    You’ve recently signed up on African dating sites or an African dating app to meet African singles, and you’re struggling to find a perfect match because there are just too many options. So what are you going to do? We get it. Setting up an online profile that gets you dates that you like can be tricky. But once you figure it out, your dating game can go from inert to interesting at the click of a button.  You probably read a lot of success stories on African dating sites and think, ‘Hey, how did these guys do it?’. If you keep reading, we guarantee you’ll find helpful tips for…

  • guide to african dating

    The Ultimate Guide to African Dating

    Dating an African can be a rewarding experience because Africans have an exotic history and a vibrant culture. To help answer all your questions, we put together this detailed guide to African dating to help you enjoy the beautiful world of interracial dating. As we like to reinforce with all of our Dating Help Articles, there’s no one-size-fits-all guide to dating people of a particular race, but you’ll find helpful tips to help you understand them, and the reasons why they act the way they do. However, at the core, most humans just want the same things from a relationship: love, reassurance, and companionship. It’s the ways we receive and…

  • Dating Moroccans: How to Make the Relationship Work

    Dating Moroccan singles is hard work, almost impossible, or at least that’s what everyone thinks. Many people believe that Moroccans don’t date because of the nature of their social and religious beliefs. But let’s clear that up real quick- Moroccans do date, and Moroccan dating does exist. However, much of the dating done in traditional Morocco is hush-hush, and people don’t flaunt their partners or show proof of their association with the opposite sex. So Morocco is not the place where you should kiss at a restaurant or hold hands and skip happily down the road because you’re so in love. We’ll get to why in a bit. So if…

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