• Dating a Foreigner In South Africa

    All You Need to Know About Dating a Foreigner in South Africa

    Dating a foreigner in South Africa can be incredibly romantic, but we cannot ignore that it comes with its load of practical issues that you two will have to tackle. Asides from the cultural and social differences you two would inevitably have, there are more long-term issues that you would have to deal with, especially if you’re in a serious relationship. As we always say, the enemy of smooth interracial dating is bad communication. If you’ll stay together without starting a civil war, you’ll both have to be adequately informed about each other’s background- weird habits and all. It’s not an easy task, but if you want to keep the…

  • South African Date Site

    How to Use Dating Sites In South Africa

    Online dating sites are one of technology’s many blessings to humankind. Asides from creating social media apps to ease communication with people from all over the world, the tech world gave us dating sites to make our love lives so much easier. On dating sites, you can meet people from all over the world looking for love or companionship, and the same can be said about dating sites in South Africa. You probably want to know how to use dating sites and how to get perfect matches on dating sites in South Africa. So, we have put together this complete guide for finding the best online dating sites in South…

  • South African Dating and Marriage Customs

    Dating in South Africa can be a complicated affair. That’s especially true if you’re a foreigner that is just warming up to understanding how things work over there. We expect that this is what you are actively doing, seeking to understand South African dating and marriage customs. If you jump into South African dating without basic knowledge of their beliefs and values about love and dating, things may not work out as smoothly as you expected. It can be dynamic and daunting for a foreigner to engage in relationships with someone from another community. After all, each country has its own principles and beliefs. This applies to the attributes that…

  • Dating In Johannesburg

    All You Need to Know About Dating In Johannesburg, South Africa

    In a city as large as Johannesburg, love should not be hard to find. At least, one would think that that would be the case since the city is one of South Africa’s largest and is swarmed by people of diverse races from many parts of the world. It turns out that a large population pool does not always translate to many dating options- and dating in Johannesburg can be more hectic than the busy city life.  In between hustling for work and keeping up with your routines and the demands of Jo’burg ( or J’town), it can be tough to meet a special person that you can form a…

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