Using An Ethiopian Dating Site: What to Expect and How to Keep Safe
Life without love is a meaningless existence for some. There are people who have described it as constantly feeling empty, even fatigued to the point that they can’t focus on other lifely aspects. If you have ever felt something similar, then the world’s current situation must have you in tatters right now. But with the use of an Ethiopian dating site, that could all change.
Online dating is the holy grail of this generation’s romantics. It’s a modern solution to our modern problems in love.
Exploring the Romantic Cyberspace
In a nutshell, online dating is a type of dating system that allows people to forge connections over the internet, typically with the aid of applications and sites geared towards matching users with others based on interests.
There are countless sites and applications worldwide; some even created to cater to certain demographics to increase the users’ chances of successful matches. On this note, the first step you should take is finding the site that suits you most to get started on this endeavor.
Instead of blindly choosing one, consider these tips for finding the best online dating site or application.
1. Do your research

When venturing into uncharted territory, it’s crucial to equip yourself with the knowledge that can ease the journey’s burdens. In this case, learning the differences between online dating sites can tell you more about what your future using it may entail.
Moreover, taking the time to read will yield tips regarding the people that use specific sites. TrulyAfrican, for example, is an Ethiopian dating site, so you can expect to match with Ethiopian singles should you choose to use it.
Demographics don’t stop there, though. You may even learn more about the generation that prefers the site you’ve been eyeing, if they’re of the same age, younger, or older.
2. Study the features
Dating sites, much like other business models, come with various features that set them apart from their competition. These features can either come for free or for a premium price, so it’s good to distinguish which ones you’re willing to pay for from the get-go.
While doing so, read up on the customer reviews as well, instead of merely relying on what the site tells you. By taking note of other users’ experiences, you can form a faint picture of what it’ll be like to use it on your own.
3. Consider communication

Among all the features you’ll read about, those relating to communication should be the ones you pay attention to the most. Particularly the restrictions placed on who you can message and vice versa. Some sites allow you to message any user, while others require a match to be made before conversations can start.
4. Don’t mind the premium

Dating sites and applications are either paid for or free with the option to upgrade to a premium account to elevate the dating experience. For some, the instinct may be to opt for paid dating sites to lessen the chances of encountering bots and malicious personalities, but try not to write off the free experience immediately. Data have actually shown that free sites score a bit better than paid ones regarding customer satisfaction.
It’s worth pointing out that you won’t get anywhere if you don’t try out online dating sites for yourself. Researching may be vital, and it’s good to learn from what you’ve read, especially customer reviews, but you can’t really guarantee that you’ll have the same experience as other users.
So, without further ado, let’s discuss what needs to be done when you have finally chosen a dating site or application.
A Step Closer to Romance
As previously mentioned, dating sites and applications offer features unique to their brand, but they all have a common trait in that the signups are pretty straightforward, save for a few key details.
1. Stay truthful
This here is one of the most critical actions you can take throughout your online dating journey. Honesty, in this regard, affects the information you choose to divulge on your profile and any questionnaires provided by the site or application, plus the photos you upload to the database. Never straying far from the truth can prevent any mishaps from happening in the future.
2. Present your best self
Now, being honest doesn’t mean that you can’t shine a light on your best features. Non-African and African online dating, at its core, is similar to self-marketing, so consider the type of person you’re looking for, and then reflect upon the qualities you possess that may attract that person.
3. Choose the right photos

On the subject of self-marketing, your photos will likely be the first thing other users notice about your profile, so curating the perfect gallery is essential in getting them to continue reading and even strike up a conversation.
Don’t know where to start? How about choosing photos of yourself that are well-lit and show minimal editing, be it filters or feature-altering edits. Headshots that display a warm, genuine smile are also encouraged, as they draw people in and present daters an opportunity to see you as close as they could through phone or computer screens.
Aside from the closeup, experts also recommend a full-body shot with the right angles. Too provocative of a pose or angle may attract the wrong crowd, after all.
Lastly, the bonus photo should show a different side to what the other photos have already displayed. The bonus photo can be of your previous travels or their passion or hobby—something that can tell users more about yourself without needing words.
A pro tip: solo photos are the best photos for dating sites. However, if you can’t help but include group shots, do insert captions as to who the people are to prevent any confusion.
4. Don’t write novels
Alongside your photos is the bio section of your profile. Often, Ethiopian dating sites offer users spaces where they can freely write whatever they wish to share with others (within the site’s or application’s rules, of course). If your chosen site has the same feature, don’t get too overexcited when sharing your life story.
Ethiopian singles aren’t online dating to read memoirs. As much as possible, keep it short, straight to the point, yet engaging all the while. Show don’t tell is a vague yet excellent tip, too. Think you’re funny? How about including a witty pun in your bio. Take photos for a living or as a hobby? Insert a photo of your work in the gallery if there’s still space.
At the end of the day, writing your bio will ultimately bring you back to the first tip, which is to stay truthful. Overselling yourself may cause unwanted surprises in the future, and underselling your traits will likely repel daters than draw them in.
Thriving in the Online Dating Landscape
Once you have sorted out your profile, you’re ready to face what is perhaps one of the, if not the most daunting part of online dating: striking a conversation with Ethiopian singles on your chosen site.
It’s not as easy as you may like to believe. In traditional dating, maybe a simple “hi,” “hello,” or a pickup line would have sufficed, but the lack of face-to-face encounters, skin contact, and even social lubricant may leave you fumbling and even unimpressive to other users if you don’t choose your opening words wisely.
To smoothen out your start, remember to read their profile, and then read it again. This is the primer for the person you’re interested in, which, like your own profile, contains vital information that they deemed important for others to know.
Take note of their interests, careers, or hobbies, and then formulate something to say based on these details. For example, say the person’s favorite movie is one you have watched and enjoyed before, then open up a conversation with that piece.
Recommended reading: Dating an Ethiopian Man and Interracial Relationships
Bonus tips
Don’t be afraid to message multiple people at the same time while you’re at it. In a way, African online dating is similar to speed dating in that you’ll have better chances of kicking it off with more people if you send out more messages. Waiting around does no one good, so put yourself out there more.
Branching off that note, don’t be hasty and treat Ethiopian dating sites as miracle workers. Much like offline dating, online dating takes time and plenty of effort from both parties to forge genuine bonds. Trying to speed up the process may result in you treating dating as a chore, which will ultimately sour your mood and affect how you converse with others.
So, take it slow, carefully read Ethiopian singles’ profiles, and impress them with your charms.
The Safety Nets In Cyber Romance
Let’s say you’ve got the hang of using whatever Ethiopian dating site that caught your interest. You’re not out of the woods yet, though. Online dating sites and applications are filled with pitfalls that can turn you off from using them entirely.
In all things, your safety and security should be a priority, so don’t forget to keep a note of the following while online dating:
1. The block feature is free
Online dating applications operate like social media sites in the way they allow users to curate their experiences. Should you find yourself not wanting to come across certain individuals, don’t be afraid to utilize the block feature.
2. Not everyone’s scummy
Catfishers, scammers—these are only some of the salacious individuals you may encounter when online dating. Still, the slight possibility of people having bad intentions when online dating shouldn’t deter you from giving them chances. That awkward person you may come across may be just that, awkward in social situations.
3. But not everyone’s a saint, either
Giving people the benefit of the doubt doesn’t mean that you should leave yourself unprotected. In most cases, follow the general rule: Don’t give out private information like your whole name, address, or even personal number to people you haven’t had the chance to get to know better.
Staying vigilant while not being too uptight requires a perfect balance, one that you can achieve given enough time.
Suppose you ever find yourself matching with people that offer no good. In that case, there’s also the report button to take advantage of, a feature that can help make online dating sites and applications a better social landscape for everyone.