An Insider’s Guide to Egyptian Dating Customs
Every society has its own social norms and customs, especially when it comes to dating and romance. Egyptian dating customs and practices play a significant role in the development of their relationships. It is important to note that the people of Egypt are either very conservative or slightly liberal.
From ancient Egypt to the present day, courtship has taken many forms, depending on social circumstances. Today, Islam and tradition have led to a conservative and traditional dating community.
If you’re a foreigner who would like to begin dating Egyptians, either in person or through online dating sites like TrulyAfrican, and don’t have the foggiest idea of what’s in store for you, this is the reason why you’ve brought yourself here. In this piece, we will walk through the Egyptian dating customs and traditions you need to know.
What You Need to Know About Egyptian Dating

1. Family Is Everything
Family is very important to Egyptians. When it comes to family matters, they place a high emphasis on family traditions and relationships.
Because of this cultural trait, parents encourage children to stay with them before they wed and start their own families. As a result, marriage rates are rising, and families motivate and financially support their children to marry to leave the family home.
Typically, household roles are divided. Women are in charge of the household and childcare, while men provide financial support for the family.
2. Egyptian Women Don’t Typically Talk to Just Anyone

Whether it’s a manager, peer, or sales clerk, it’s rare for women to approach and start conversations with men who aren’t family members. If you’re going out, a male sales clerk will speak to the man instead of the woman.
Egypt’s cosmopolitan class, however, holds more Western customs and behaviors. Women in the middle and upper classes are typically more progressive, choosing to have their own careers instead of depending on a man. Although homemakers and working women may have differences, Egyptian society welcomes and appreciates both.
Recommended reading: How To Stay Safe On Egyptian Dating Sites
3. Women Are Expected to Be Traditional And Conservative
In Egypt, women are supposed to be traditional and modest, following Islamic principles. In Egyptian dating customs, men must never approach an Egyptian woman they don’t know. Instead, they should direct their concerns and questions to other men.
Virginity is a religious symbol that means a person has integrity and modesty. And because men tend to marry virgin women, many Egyptian women avoid intimacy until they can get married.
Doctors, attorneys, university lecturers, and diplomats are among the many women who serve in the business world and will mostly be the ones you’ll encounter in the dating scene. A headscarf is frequently worn as an indication of modesty and to stop male approaches in the work environment. Arms and legs tend to be covered in professional settings as well.
Although the implicit dress code for men is less rigorous, a standard still exists in Egypt. Gallabiyahs, a long tunic that arrives at the lower leg, are worn by local Egyptian men. In bigger cities like Alexandria, the men have a more Western fashion style.
4. Dating Is A Foreign Concept (That Is Becoming More Popular)

The Egyptian dating scene is sure to surprise you if you come from a Western culture where dating is normal and even expected of young singles. In Islam, dating or even friendly contact between a man and a woman is prohibited.
One of the most important choices a person can make in his or her existence, according to Islam, is choosing the right life partner for marriage. It’s not anything to be easily overlooked, nor should it be left to good luck or hormones. It ought to be treated appropriately, just like any other significant choices throughout everyday life—with prayer, careful review, and involvement and support of the family.
5. People Don’t Take Marriage Lightly
In Egyptian dating customs, marriage between couples is a serious matter. Marriage is a sacred part of a person’s life for both traditional and contemporary Egyptians. They place a high emphasis on the psychological and biological benefits of marriage. Marriage is also a way to strengthen social bonds.
You’ll find that in traditional Egypt, religion dictates how marriages go. Adult daughters could engage with visitors who frequented their homes, and lovers could court at temples and social occasions. In this present time, you should be aware that Egypt today is an Islamic country. Both the bride and groom have to approve the marriage, according to religion. The wedding also has to be in public to bring everyone together. While the couple may not meet in public or private before the wedding or even after the marriage, some families may allow the couple to meet in a restricted way.
Engagement and wedding traditions, on the other hand, have remained unchanged. The bride always has Mahr and Shabka, and engagement parties help them celebrate the commitment. A Maazoon, a form of marriage registrar, signs and registers the marriage, and the wedding is held at the bride’s home or in a mosque.
6. Public Displays Of Affections Are Frowned Upon

When it comes to Egyptian dating customs, any form of public display of affection is frowned upon, especially by the elderly. So don’t get all mushy with your Egyptian partner! Keep your hands (and lips) off, particularly when you’re out in public.
Since public displays of affection are rare in Egypt, it’s in your best interests to keep your kisses and cuddles in private. Try a smile or a laugh if you need anything to express your love in public.
7. You Need to Respect Their Religion
If you’d like to have a successful relationship, another Egyptian dating custom to keep in mind is to respect their religion. Religion plays a significant role in Egyptians’ lives, and it’s intertwined with the everyday practices of Egyptian Muslims and Christians. This is particularly evident during Ramadan, Eids, and Christmas when festive hearts are in abundance.
As a partner, you have to understand that you came from two different cultures. The key to a long-term relationship is bringing love and respect for each other’s values and beliefs.
8. Egyptian Women Like Compassionate And Caring Men

Because of how privileged they feel toward them or how dominant they interact around women, many Egyptian women are sick of men who share their nationality. You should emphasize your distinctions as a foreigner, such as cooking her favorite meals, treating her like a queen, understanding her emotions, and loving her genuinely. Just be yourself and always be caring and compassionate. With these key aspects, she will undoubtedly adore you!
If you are a foreigner and you’re still in the process of searching for your ideal Egyptian partner, hop on to online dating sites like TrulyAfrican. This is your opportunity to show off your personality, hobbies, and interests and distinguish yourself from the rest of the men in her country.
9. People Will Be Watching You Everywhere
It’s helpful to understand that Egypt has a conservative culture, particularly when it comes to Egyptian dating customs. Due to Egyptians’ strict religious perspectives, they frown upon sex before marriage. They have even outlawed a slew of events that could lead to public displays of affection, such as going to nightclubs and bars and drinking alcohol. The elderly Egyptians keep a close eye on the adolescents because the communities are mainly rural.
Egyptians have Bawabs who serve as gatekeepers or doormen. These Bawabs patrol the entrances to large social gatherings and report you if you partake in any behavior that they deem detrimental to Egyptian culture. Keep in mind that these Bawabs are more visible, more involved, and don’t conceal evidence of their interference.
So, if your building has an Egyptian doorman, good luck allowing your Egyptian partner in. He could find out about you and notify the landlord about this behavior, which could lead you to trouble.
10. There Is No Excuse For Laying A Finger On Your Egyptian Partner

Another Egyptian dating custom to note is that laying a finger or hitting on your Egyptian woman is prohibited in Islam. However, we cannot ignore the growing problem of sexual assault, which is prevalent and sometimes tolerated in Western culture. Aside from being a provider, a man is should protect and love his Egyptian woman no matter the circumstances. Beating an Egyptian woman will result in serious disciplinary action.
Interracial dating can be overwhelming, particularly if you come from different cultures. A prosperous relationship entails a brave step and a huge effort. But cultural differences shouldn’t stop you as long as you respect and love each other!