The Love Guru: Dating An Ethiopian Man and Interracial Relationships
People often dream of experiencing love after a chance encounter, but the real world isn’t always that easy to find love in. But with dating online, love has never been easier to find in today’s modern age. It has allowed people to extend their borders and find love in unexpected places. For some, that means dating an Ethiopian man online.
Why You’ll Love Dating Ethiopian Men
Feeling apprehensive about African online dating? There’s no need to worry. Online dating can actually bring you closer to the happy ever after you want, for a few reasons.

1. Distance won’t be an issue
One of the issues with traditional dating is the geographical restriction. If you’re interested in dating an Ethiopian man, you won’t be able to do so unless you live in Ethiopia or travel out of your country.
Online dating easily clears this hurdle, allowing you to connect with many potential partners in a short period of time. Keeping in touch will also be easier since you have a platform where you and your date can communicate constantly.
2. Finding “The One” becomes more possible
Online dating apps and websites take account of a person’s preferences while matching them to other interested singles. You can rest assured that conversations will flow, even if you’ve just started talking for the first time. Eventually, you’ll be able to meet offline and find that you’ll be able to converse just as easily.
3. Rejections will be fewer
Traditional dating always carries a risk of being rejected since you don’t know what a person is like before talking to them. Online dating lessens that risk by matching you with people that not only fit your preferences but will also have a high chance of liking you too. You won’t need to worry about being rejected by a potential match right out of the gate.
What You Need to Know About Ethiopian Dating
After seeing all of its benefits, you might be more inclined to try African online dating now. However, the experience might be far from your expectations. If you’re interested in dating an Ethiopian man, here’s what you need to know.
1. A Whirlwind Romance
If you catch an Ethiopian man’s interest, be prepared — they’re quite forward when it comes to romantic advances. They’ll do their utmost best to catch your attention and keep it.
Try not to get carried away by their pace, though. Make sure to set boundaries and only do things that you’re sure that you’re comfortable doing. Don’t forget that you can always talk about it with your partner if needed. They’re sure to hear you out.

2. First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage
Ethiopians aren’t really big on the idea of casual dating. Dating in Ethiopia is usually done with marriage in mind, even if the couple is getting to know each other. So, if you’re looking to settle down, then you should date an Ethiopian man.
Whether you’re dating for fun or marriage, an Ethiopian man will be one of your best and most memorable romantic partners. They’re committed to their partners, to the point where you will feel like you’re being treated like royalty.
3. Men Do This, Women Do That
Gender roles are an integral part of Ethiopian culture. Society expects the man to be the main provider. You can count on an Ethiopian man to be reliable not only as a romantic partner but also in financial matters.
On the other hand, society expects women to be proficient at managing the home. That can include most, if not all, household chores, from keeping the house clean to preparing the food. The latter is a significant activity to learn. It’s the best way to make yourself more appealing to your partner.

4. More Than a Coffee Enthusiast
Coffee is Ethiopia’s national drink. If you’re dating an Ethiopian man, you should get ready to drink coffee frequently. Coffee lovers won’t find any issue with this, but if you dislike coffee for whatever reason, be warned — many consider it impolite to refuse an offered cup.
Drinking it is no simple matter, either. In fact, it is a ritual that takes at least an hour to do. To put it simply, coffee is brewed in front of the table, where it is gradually served to everyone around the table. Avoid drinking too swiftly, though, and always sip it slowly.
5. Chivalry Isn’t Dead
Ethiopian men are highly considerate, especially in public. That’s because in Ethiopian society, saving face is important. Embarrassing someone is a big no-no, so save your disputes for when you and your partner are in private.
Sometimes, Ethiopian men can be considerate to a fault. While they continue accommodating their partner, they can sometimes end up disregarding their feelings. It will help if you learn to recognize when your partner is too obliging to avoid putting a strain on your relationship.

6. In A Class of Their Own
Ethiopian culture is mainly class-oriented, even today. Status is often based on one’s personal attributes, such as your family’s wealth, school, or workplace achievements, as well as your connections to people of importance.
Fortunately, this standard isn’t strictly upheld anymore, especially for foreigners. Instead, wealth is now the primary basis for respect and recognition. Ethiopian men continue to adhere to this belief, though. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that most, if not all, your Ethiopian online matches are somewhat wealthy.
7. Patriotism Runs Deep in Their Veins
Ethiopians are extremely patriotic. They believe that their country has much to offer when it comes to culture and wealth. Most Ethiopians expect that a foreigner who visits their country will eventually want to stay there — or at least stay connected to it.
The same expectation will also happen if you’re dating an Ethiopian man. If your stay in Ethiopia isn’t permanent, then it’s best to let your partner know. Also, make sure to avoid joking about the country. You might mean well, but it has the risk of coming across as offensive to Ethiopians.
8. Faithfully Devoted
Most, if not all, Ethiopians practice Christianity as their religion. They take pride in the fact that the West was unable to introduce them to Christianity. If you’re dating an Ethiopian man, he’s highly likely to be a devout and deeply religious person.
Ethiopians frown upon changing one’s religion. If you and your partner have different beliefs, don’t try to convert them to your religion. However, you won’t need to worry if you have a different religious belief. They are understanding and respectful of one’s faith.

9. Spiritual In More Ways than One
Ethiopian culture is unique in the sense that they have both religious and animistic beliefs. They believe that healings and revelations come from God, while illnesses and ailments come from the devil. Spiritual healing is an essential part of Ethiopian everyday life.
Most tribal groups have various animistic beliefs of their own. The Oromo people, for one, believe in Waaqeffannaa. This traditional religion believes that there is a spiritual connection between everything and a creator known as the Waqa.
No matter your partner’s beliefs, it would help if you always approached it with an open mind. Avoid making jokes about their religion if you don’t want to offend them accidentally.
10. Family Comes First
Ethiopian culture practices collective living, where they mutually support each other during times of need. As a result, most Ethiopians are strongly family-oriented. If you’re dating in Ethiopia to marry, then you should make sure that you get in the good graces of your partner’s family.
The best way you can get an Ethiopian family to like you is to show that you’re reliable, especially when it comes to household tasks. You should also make sure to respect those who are older than you. Most importantly, avoid disrespecting the head of the household.
4 Relationship Tips to Make Things Work
If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re interested in having an interracial relationship with an Ethiopian man. Learning more about their culture is a step in the right direction, but there’s more to it if you want to make things work.
1. Always be open to learning new things
Getting to know your partner is an inherent part of a relationship, but with interracial relationships, there’s even more to absorb. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if needed. You’ll not only be able to learn more about your partner, but also about their diverse culture.
2. Don’t be afraid to talk about heavy topics
Most interracial relationships will tend to experience racial discrimination in varying degrees. If that ever happens to you or your partner, don’t just turn a blind eye to it. Instead, talk about any issues that arise as soon as possible. It can help you avoid many relationship problems in the future.

3. Understanding might not always be possible, but empathy always is
If you both come from incredibly differing cultures, it’s possible that you won’t understand where they’re coming from in certain matters. If that ever happens, you should remember that sometimes, it’s not about whether you’re right or wrong.
Your partner might be coming from a different perspective. Avoid getting too heated when discussing something with your partner, and always ensure that you can both hear each other out.
4. Other people’s opinions don’t matter
People from both you and your partner’s cultures will definitely have a lot to say regarding your relationship. However, it would be best if you didn’t listen to them. It will spare you the hurt. At the end of the day, your relationship is about making you and your partner happy, not anyone else.
Relationships will always need effort from both parties to work. If you want your love to last a long time, you should communicate well with each other. In doing so, you can build a relationship that will make both of you happy and stay strong no matter what problems you may face.